Kayleigh was able to come on-island for a weekend, (in the midst of Hurricane Sandy), but we got a few things in before Sandy arrive... took a few walks, went to dinner, took our regular drive around island and then battened down the hatches when the hurricane came through -- but that can be seen on the next post...
The meadow above is in walking distance from where we are staying.
Downtown Vineyard Haven going to the Black Dog Tavern for lunch. It's a charming little restaurant that sits right on the water. The first restaurant to be opened all year round and it's only been there since 1971.
There was a fisherman throwing these bouys ashore when we arrived into Menemsha.
This guy was trying to escape from Larsen's Fish Market.
I've been surprised at how many houses have gardens full of wild flowers this year.
When driving through Lobsterville, we turned up a road to try and find a higher view of the ocean and found this charming little road with the trees arched into each other. Along the road where the signs below -- the island is a very family friendly place.
The houses are tucked away up on the hill that the post office boxes are along the road.
Standing along the cliffs of Aquina (Gay Head)
From the cliffs
This area reminds us a lot of Chadds Ford, PA
Girls went over to Alley's General Store, which is a very stopping spot for us, to go shopping.
This is a famous swing that hangs outside of Alleys.
Another local artist in Menemsha