Jennie, as some of you know, is a wonderful potter and made me my original dishes when we first got married, and has made me a second set since over the past 15 years many of the first set sadly broke. Take a look at Jennie's pottery She ships anywhere and her work is truly beautiful. Her mugs feel incredibly comfortable in your hand when you sip on your coffee in the a.m . She does wedding registration and special orders too. Design your own plates, etc. She showed us some of the tools of her trade.
Jennie has a very fascinating collection of brushes she uses. The hair on the brushes are made of all different sorts of things. One even uses human hair (that of a child).
To put a cherry on top of the whole time in the D.C. area, the Lord provided a beautiful snow storm (the first for Virginia, and Delaware this year). Just enough to make it beautiful and yet little enough to safely make our way home.