In God's providence, there was a new display, at least to me, out in front of the Air and Space Museum that illustrated the distance between planets. Ironically, we have been studying space in science with our co-op and had recently attempted to demonstrate the distance between planets using toilet paper stretched out along the street. Pretty fun, but this was on quite a grander scale.
This exhibit went on for a couple of city blocks to illustrate the distance between the different planets. Take XX of steps to the next planet. It was an excellent idea to give a spacial understanding.
Then inside the museum, there was of course an exorbinant amount to see.
There was an exhibit on the Wright Brothers and they showed the sheet music that was written to acknowledge their achievements. You could listen to the music as well.
Here Addie is learning what it feels like to be a gyroscope. Which was helpful as she had just purchased one as a souvenir.
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