Our resting place that night was our old friends the Bryants. Aerin, the mom was my old roommate and we stood up for each other in our weddings. The children had a lovely time reaquanting themselves. Then Francesca and Caroline played us a duet which was a real pleasure. Finally, we wrapped up the evening with a round of Telestrations. If you haven't played this game, it's a wonderful family game. You can even mimick it with several pads of paper. You sit in a circle. Each person comes up with something they want to draw and writes it in words down on the first page. You then turn the page and draw what you chose. Once everyone has done that you pass to your left and each person looks at the drawing (not the word) and on the next available page writes the word or words for what they believe the drawing to be. And so on, next person does a drawing and then the next person the word and so on until your pad of paper returns to you. It's great fun to see what comes of it all and it is espcially fun if you can't draw and if you have children who are still learning to spell!
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